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Paragliding trips


Indian Air Law

by Chris Craven, Nov 2007

Some advice regarding differences between Indian and international air-law:-)

India being India there are a few differences in Air law
The main differences are.

1/ The smaller aircraft gives way to the larger. That is, a small glider gives way to a medium, a medium to a large and a large to a tandem. Flying a small Mustang I have to give way to all other gliders, unless someones brings along a speed glider.

2/ This first rule is overridden if the smaller glider has a horn and the larger does not. If both gliders have horns, the glider with the loudest horn has precedence. If both gliders have equally loud horns then rule 1 applies.

3/ Gliders manufactured by Tata should be given precedence as any sudden manoeuvre may lead to structural failure.

4/ Overtaking. When overtaking, sound your horn (after reading rule 2, you did fit one didn't you) [or use dipper at night] the pilot of the glider being overtaken should then indicate that they are turning, you should overtake on the indicated side.

5/ All gliders should be equipped with a small shrine that has flashing LEDs and the harness should be fitted with at least one length of sparkly ribbon not less than 1 foot long (India is not yet fully metric).

6/ When approaching a gap in a ridge, expect numerous gliders to congregate either side of the gap and, at a signal, all gliders to attempt to cross by occupying the same space at once.

Further research is being done.
